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Shipping cost

The shipping price will depend on where you are.

Rates work through areas.


Payment method

You can only pay by credit card.

Shipment duration

The shipping time from when the order is placed until the delivery is made is four hours.

Order placed before 5:00 p.m. The order may be delivered that same afternoon.

Order placed after 5:00 p.m. The order may be delivered in the morning of the next day.


On the Checkout page, you can choose the date and time you want to receive your order.


Your order will be refunded due to the following cases:
– Bad weather
– Lack of stock

Extra products

You can request* the shipment of products that are not in our catalog and pay for them upon delivery. You can pay by card or cash, we recommend paying in cash due to possible failures in the POS due to coverage.

*Check with us first by phone or WhatsApp